Tuesday, May 12, 2009

About My Pregnancy

So here's the info so far:

-We found out on the 27th that we were pregnant! I had tested early that morning when Bryan took the boys to school. I wanted tell him in a fun way ... but I couldn't wait! When he came home, I had the test sitting on the counter in the bathroom, with the light on. When he came home, right before he got back into bed, I asked him to turn the bathroom light off ... he turned the light off and then turned it right back on!! He got a huge smile on his face and said, "what's this?" We told my parents that evening .. they were also super excited!! Even though we had plans to go to Kerrville on the 9th for a wedding ... we couldn't wait to tell his family! So we went on Thursday night ... had a great evening supper with them. Then Bryan asked if they would like to do Christmas at our house this year! They were all like no .... Finally, Bryan told them that we didn't think Susan's doctor would let her travel at the time!! They all freaked!

-By my calculations, I am 6 weeks today. We are due January 5th.

-Saturday, I experienced my first case of morning sickness .... yet, it wasn't really morning sickness, I called it "all day sickness"!! I stayed in bed most of the day. Bryan took the boys to a stampede game ... and I decided to get myself up and out of the house!! It felt good to get dressed and out, but I was miserable most of the game!! Saturday night was even worse. I could not fall asleep because I felt so nauseous. It was probably 1am by the time I felll asleep ... then I woke up again around 3, and could not fall back asleep! Finally, after I had been laying there awhile ... I decided that I needed sugar! Bryan got me a capri sun and a ice cream sandwich bar! After I ate that, my stomach slowly felt better ... I fell asleep shortly after that! Sunday (mother's day) morning, I woke up still feeling bad! You definitely can't tell a pregnant woman, experiencing morning sickness, who has lots of crazy hormones in her body ... that she isn't a mother!! I'm a mother to this silly tummy monster of mine ...

-I have my first doctor's appointment on Tuesday, May 19th. I hear that I will be poked and proded a lot! We go for a sonogram first, then meet with the doctor! Bryan will be going with me! We are hoping to get a good look at the very first picture of our baby Neal!

-Tummy Monster! Yes, that is his name until he/she enters this world! I don't want to find out, but Bryan does ... but we decided that half way through this pregnancy we will find out if it's a boy or a girl! We will also not name the baby until she/he comes out. We will decide on two full names, and pick one according to looks and whichever one fits after they are born!!

-My plan is to update my pregnancy on this blog every tuesday! Even though I feel fatter, no pictures will be on this blog yet! As soon as I notice an expansion in my stomach, then I will start the pictures!!

-So, right now .... I need all you mothers who experienced morning sickness to give me you best remedy!! What got your through the nausciating days? What helped ease your stomach?


Mrs. Jenk said...

So excited for you- just eat everytime you feel sick. It will seem difficult to do, but eating will make you feel better. It did for me at least.

Shaunna said...

Ginger Ale and ginger Snaps...Anything with ginger in it is supposed to help settle your stomach! I had never eaten ginger snaps before I was pregnant...Not my favorite cookie, but they did seem to help my tummy a little! Hope your 'all day sickness' doesn't last too long!

Colleen said...

Ginger Ale was the only thing that helped settle my stomach. And of course eating a lot I think whenever I felt hungry I started to get nauseous. I hope you feel better soon :) Enjoy every second of it it's such a special and miraculous time.

Unknown said...
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Lauri Anne said...

Congrats!!! Everyone has baby fever:) My mom told me the other day and I was wondering when you'd post it. I didn't really have any morning sickness, so I can't really help you there, but I did start buying maternity clothes right from the 'get go' and I am so glad I did. It felt like one day I just couldn't wear my pants anymore. It will get better-- the second trimester has been amazing!

Jane C. said...

Congratulations Susan. I can't wait for all the updates. I didn't experience to much morning sickness, but I have heard peppermints help.

Unknown said...

Yes, we're excited about our new bed! I'm trying to convice Bryan that he needs his space! He unfortunately is a cuddler, but I need my space!!