Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Unimportance of Being Me

Kristi has tagged me to list 5 truths and one lie about myself. Everyone, feel free to guess the lie!

  1. The first time I met Bryan ... I was with his friend who liked me!
  2. I can beat Bryan in the XBox game, Halo!
  3. I have never broken a bone in my body!
  4. Even during my rebellion years, I have never snuck out of my parent's house!
  5. I have an autographed picture of the six main characters on FRIENDS!
  6. I have already bought our future child's first piece of clothing!

Happy Guessing! Oh Yea, and I tag Jill, Shyanne, Shaunna, Chelsey and Amanda!


~kristi said...

friends is my guess

Unknown said...

I'm with the Friends one too

Mrs. Jenk said...

These are good- I wish I knew you better. I am going to say that you can not beat Bryan in Halo.

The Holik's said...

Ohhhh, I don't know. I am going to say you cannot beat Bryan at Halo. :)

jill said...

i'm going to say that you were definitely the rebelious one, always sneaking out at night and getting into trouble...yep.