WOW! 16 Weeks! Only 4 weeks until half way there! WOW!
Here's What Going ON:
-I have noticed that my stomach is getting hard ... Especially right after I eat, or I have to pee! My whole belly is full and hard all over! It's crazy!!
-I am carrying low ... very low! I am mostly growing under my belly button! There is a midwives tales that say if you carry low, you are having a boy! Well, we will find out soon enough!
-I am just waiting for movements in my belly! I hear you can feel the "flutter" as early as 15 weeks!
Fun Story:
The other day, Bryan was telling the baby good night. So he put his head on my tummy, where the baby was! As he was laying there, I could feel a "bubble-like" thing rising in my belly! and it popped right by Bryan's ear! He sat up, and was like "WHOA!" I told him that was probably not the baby ... I'm pretty sure it was something in my stomach! Maybe it was the baby, giving him "bumps"!! hehe I asked if he could hear anything in there! He said that it sounds like there is something swimming in there!
Can't wait to hear if the baby is a boy or a girl!
cute little belly pic!
can't wait to see what it is...!
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