Thursday, January 24, 2008

Anybody Have Weekend Plans?

Bryan does .... for the next 20 million weeks! Maybe it just seems that way because yesterday he said, "This weekend, I'm going to Fort Worth Stock Show ... next weekend, I am doing this work thing ... the next weekend, I'm going to the San Antonio Stock Show ... AND THEN the next weekend, I have this ... etc. ... etc.!!" When I work from 8-5, and he works from 2-9 during the week days ... where do you have time to date? Bryan and I got out of the habit of going on "Dates" ... and we were just starting back up! So if anyone wants to hang out over the next year, call me! Don't call Bryan ... he probably won't even answer his phone he's so busy!


Shaunna said...

Awww! Blake and I don't get to go on many dates anymore these days either (and I'm sure it will be even less once the baby gets here!)Hopefully you guys can squeeze in a lunch date or something fun sometime soon!

~kristi said...

come see us!!

The Holik's said...

I completely understand about the never seeing each other. Love the new picture of y'all.