Tuesday, December 22, 2009

38 Week Appointment

another great report.

Weight gain: .8 of a lb
Total: 26 lbs.

Blood Pressure: Normal

Heartbeat: At first, she had a hard time hearing it. She said when they get to this stage, they are harder to hear because they move and have their back turned. Then he made a couple of movements (which were easily visible to the nurse) ... and it came in loud and clear.

Dr came and did her weekly check up.

She said I am 3cm dilated, 75% effaced and baby is in the -1 position (very low).

While she was checking me, she asked if i was having a contraction. I actually had to feel my stomach (to see if it was hard) before I could answer YES! I am very thankful that this is how a lot of my contractions have been.

She told that she was leaving in 22 hours (around noon on wed, Dec. 23rd) ... so if I had him by then, she would be there for delivery! Otherwise, she is pretty positive that he will make his big entrance before next Sunday (Dec. 27th) ... the day she comes home from Christmas vacation.

If I was fine with getting induced, she would have checked me into the hospital after my appointment!

So, now we are officially due any day now .... on baby watch!


~kristi said...

tonight is good. Ben has off tomorrow, Lindsay leaves Thursday, so start walking.

Unknown said...

Yipee! He'll be here soon!

Lauri Anne said...

Yay!! Can't wait! So excited for you guys!

The Holik's said...

Yay!! I am so excited!!