Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter 2010

Wall Brethren Church has an Early Morning Sunrise Service ... and it starts at 7AM! But it comes with an amazing service, then a yummy breakfast and a fun easter egg hunt.

Brady got a whole bunch of goodies.

our family picture in front of the beautiful cross.

checking out his candy.

a whole basket full.

he was grabbing the basket and pulling it towards him.

he found a flexible rabbit to play with.

on another hunt, at my mema's house.

it was a great day.


Shaunna said...

I always love everyone's Easter pics at that church- It is so pretty!! Looks like Brady had a great 1st Easter!

mary.mimi said...

Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing the pix...
Loved them all, especially the family shot in front of the cross. Looks like Brady is still looking for eggs sitting on Daddy's knee. Missed ya.