Sunday, February 28, 2010

Two Months Old

With Brady being born on the 31st of December ... we aren't able to celebrate on the 31st of every month.

So we have a big celebration on the last day of each month.

i took these yesterday, and thought they were too cute.
big boy, sitting up in his crib

We started his celebration day with going to church with all of his family: mom & dad, pappy & lala, mimi & pawpaw and auntie j & travis.

then we all went to pappy & lala's for pizza and the fixings. yum yum.

this is how he wanted to have his picture taken.

handsome two month old in his church clothes.

kissy kissy face.

so cute in his duckie pj's...
(thanks mimi)

happy little man.

"everyone look how long i am."

At Two Months:
-takes his last bottle at 10pm, then his next one is between 5-6am. yeah.
-eats 5 ounces at each feeding.
-is completely on formula. :(
-loves to stare at the lights.
-enjoys watching his mobile in his crib.
-still sleeps in his swing at night.
-LOVES cuddling with his momma (and others)
-wears 0-3 month onesies with a couple of 3-6 months
-has mostly only 3-6 month sleepers.
-can still wear is ONE pair of newborn shoes.
-can hold his head up really good. but when he's done, it slams forward.
-loves to sit up, wants to look around. hoping that he will like his bumbo soon.

we have a dr. appointment tomorrow. i'm excited about the updates on him. i'm not excited about the shots he will be getting.

1 comment:

Mrs. Jenk said...

He is a cutie! I understand the formula disappointment. Know that Abby is totally healthy and got more formula than breast milk. We used Target generic with DHA- it is much cheaper and worked just fine.