5 months ago today, this beautiful baby boy entered our lives!
-Brady weighs right under 17 lbs. and is 27 inches long.
-He has a bottle 4 times a day, and cereal twice a day. We started veggies today, mixed with his cereal. Apparently he likes sweet potatoes.
-He likes to wake up between 6-7am and goes to bed around 9:30-10pm.
-He takes 2-3 naps a day ... including (usually) a long one!
-He wears size 2 diapers.
-Most of his clothes are 3-6 months. But we sneak in a few bigger sizes because we want him to wear them more than a couple of times!
-He wears size 1 or 2 in shoes.
-He likes wearing a hat.
-He still has the bluest eyes.
-He has had TWO official haircuts. and will be getting his THIRD in the next week. I guess we could just call them trims.
-We have taken the extra padding out of his carseat.
-He sleeps on his tummy and side now. We have even caught him a couple times sleeping on his back ... but it didn't last long!
-Being outside makes him super happy.
-He can roll from one side of the room to next in a matter of seconds.
-He enjoys our walks in his stroller.
-He laughs when bevo and violet play fight and bark at each other.
-He is very ticklish.
-He coos and cahs constantly. He especially has this HIGH PITCH sound that he loves to make. I am going to dub his first word as DADA.
-He looks when we say his name.
-He definitly recognizes people he knows.
-He is getting better at sitting up on his own every day.
-He is the JOY of our lives!