Wednesday, March 03, 2010

2 Month Appointment

Monday, we took Brady to his two month appointment.

oblivious to what is fixing to go on.

at 2 months, 1 day:
-weighs 11 lbs. 15.4 ozs.
-is 22 1/4 inches long
-has a head circumference of 15 5/8 cm.

he was right in the 50th percentile for all of the above. Doc said he's perfect. :)

Brady thought having to take his clothes off, and a cold stethoscope on his chest was the worst.

Daddy soothing him before the shots.

He got THREE shots. and he let us and the entire doctor's office that he was NOT HAPPY! But as soon as we started putting his clothes back on, he quit crying. He was asleep before we put his carseat in the car.

We went ahead and gave him Tylenol ... instead of waiting for fever. He did really good. He was fussy for a little bit, but for the most part he slept almost all day. Then he was good and awake from 8-10, ate ... then slept until 6AM! Yeah!

Poor Little Legs!
For Momma's Sake, I hope he is always this good!

1 comment:

The Holik's said...

His poor little legs!! Glad he got a good report!! Talked to your sister today, and we need to go eat sometime before we have the babies!! :)

Where did you get his diapers?